Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do you have a dream?

There is a time when i was sitting alone, thinking what i have done in my life. Remembering my good time and my hard time, my success and my failure, my good side and evil side. i suddenly realize that what have i do for my life is not the very best. I can be success than my life now if i do my best. I have a dream like you do, but i realize that a dream will always be a dream if the dream not become true. And how to make my dream become true? This always be my question mark.. always and always. Then come to think again.. have i do the best in my life.. i think i still dont do my best. I believe that God will bless people who think big, positive mind and do a big and positive thing even he or she have fail for many times. Many of succesfull people ..success after failing a lot of time. Failure is never be a failure if we learn and improve and i believe there is always a way for people who are hardworking.. I believe and always believe and that was my pray.

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